Additional Resources and Input

Contributions And Development of Project

A Film About The Wee Digs Project (Film by Bill Ritchie)


Talk By Anna at Scotland's Community Heritage Conference on the Wester Ross Wedigs Project


Stirling University
A student from Stirling University is aiming to write a dissertation based on soil investigations at the project's roundhouse sites. Her results will link with excavation findings to broaden the interpretation of local prehistoric land use. Her first visit will be to the Gairloch Dig in June.


Origional Dissertation
The original dissertation by Anna Welti, carried out in Wester Ross was what led to this project being proposed. The dissertation is being made public here for those with an interest in the subject .


Achtercairn Archaeology
Extracts from a great publication put together in Gairloch that gives a good introduction and background to the roundhouses of the area.


Achtercairn Map
A map of locations of the Achtercairn roundhouses.


2012 Project Results 2012
Initial Project DSR results.



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The final report is now in print!

It includes all the specialist reports and is available from Ullapool Bookshop or from Anna Welti ( at a cost of £8.50 + postage.


Final Report