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NG 80609 77081
June 17th
Sunny day .Lots of chaps made short work of carrying tons of equipment for
‘miles’ uphill! The site was already well cleared by Jeremy. The peg thief had
been at work again and the plane tabling position had to be re-evaluated.
Trenches were marked out, deturfed, and trowelling began, helped by the usual
delicious cakes at teabreaks. Sophie (Stirling Uni student) laid out lines for
soil augering.
June 18th
More sun. More trowelling. More augering. Arrival of Martin. Our resident artist
Viveca made sketches and enjoyed the cake.
June 19th
26 High School pupils visited. Jeremy showed them around the site area and Irene
organized them into different activities. In the afternoon Ellie and Bruce
worked with them in school conducting soil experiments. Jim made an interesting
find in the wall fill—a quern-rubber/hammerstone. Martin’s powered fan blew away
(some of!) the midges.
June 20th
22 Primary pupils visited and we enjoyed their enthusiasm! Trenches nearly all
completed and recorded. Massive wall face boulders have been exposed and, in the
centre trench, an area of intense burning. No signs of a habitation layer.
June 21st
Open Day. Trenches infilled.
What was this structure?! As usual more questions than answers!
The results are back from the radiocarbon tests analysed by SUERC.
Go to Radiocarbon Results page for more